This March came and went like a big disappointment. Since june of last year, the dream of swinging March Brown soft hackles in the film, watching your line tare from the water mid swing, peeling off as they turn, Yuba rainbow trout measured in pounds not inches has been on everyones mind. However in 2011 the river has been high, well not just high but huge. It feels like the river has been in the 6000 cfs range all year. Spiking and dropping like our emotions. Only now and then settling in just to tease us with the thought it may be fishable. AA and I made it to the river in one of those perfect storm drops in the flow, hitting it on day 4, of a consistent low, just the day before it shot up to 15,000 cfs for another week. We each had all our artillery for the battle, the best method was to nymph. Not our first choice in our arsenal. Not even our second. Lets say it was our last grasp. but what a grasp it was. Having the "private" water side all to ourselves, we found our "el dorado". Many really big fish were caught, using really ugly, big flys. Maybe April will bring new hope. Maybe dream of March 2012.